Case Study

Defence Sector

High Security and Confidential Solutions for the Defence Sector


The defence and military sector is, innately, one of the most secure sectors across the world. Storing confidential information and data as well as having accountable and controlled access to secure places is key.

At Thornhill Security Ltd we are very proud to be vetted and approved to the highest level. We have provided Safes, Key Cabinets and other solutions to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and other defence organisations over the years.

Our Solution


Our Key Cabinets have great flexibility to be used in Defence environments due to the various strengths of the cabinets and locking that can be fitted to the main door to conform to the security environment. 

For example a situation arose on a certain site where a high security key cabinet was required with a specific military lock to meet the security level required by the client. 

We were able to fit this without altering the structure of the cabinet due to the flexibility we have.  This can also apply to our safes which offer various levels of high security for documentation and other items.

BS100 Special Key Cabinet


We offer a range of Safes in various sizes from Grade 1 to Grade 3 level.  All ECBS certified.

Key Cabinets

Key Cabinets with numerous alternative locking mechanisms as well as different security levels.

Security Mirrors

Safety and Security Mirrors ideal for receptions, offices, warehouses and car parks.

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